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Indefinable happiness!

Aroma from 'The Sweet Bakers' filled the air. Mira, was busy selling the cakes. It was eleven in the midmorning when a tray full of freshly baked puffs arrived the bakery. Mira gently grabbed the tray and placed it inside the heater. She then asked every customer who visited the bakery, "Sir, ma'am, please do buy puffs it's hot and crispy, it's fresh as well". She managed to sell 37 puffs out of 40 and three were remaining. "Did you sell all the puffs?" Asked Rohi, the owner of the bakery. Looking at the heater oven, Mira replied, "There's three more to be sold". Rohi angrily said "Everyday something or the other is left out without sale, your marketing skills are so poor, let me cut off some of your salary, so then you can learn how to completely sell all the products" and left the place.

Mira became sullen. A man came and asked if the bakery had any puffs, Mira couldn't notice and when the man was about to leave, Mira said out loud, "Sorry sir, I didn't notice what you asked. We have freshly baked cakes, cookies and puffs. Do you need anything sir?". The man turned again and asked "Do you have puffs?". Mira's eyes glimmered. "Yes sir!", She shouted. "Umm, fine, then give me two", asked the man. "Sir please take one more also", asked Mira. The man refused and bought the two puffs that he needed and left the place. Mira stood for sometime and no one came, all of a sudden it started raining. Mira looked at the last puff, worryingly. She hoped that someone or the other would buy it. Mira looked at the water that was dripping from the shed at the entrance of the bakery.

After some time, There came a little boy with handful of coins. He couldn't see what's inside the shop, he asked loudly so that it could hear someone inside, "Can I get a Puff?". Mira once again awoke in astonishment and quickly packed the last puff and gave it to the little kid. She saw ultimate happiness in the little kid's eyes that defeated what was in her eyes, when she knew that she succeeded selling all the products. The boy handed her the coins and took the package. He went dancing all the way, which she looked and then she counted the money and put that into the money tray.

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