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How do you tell a person's age just by looking at them?

Apparently, my room is filled with a lot of posters. I've made my space interesting. One of my neighbour's kids, who's ten years old, hasn't come to my room in a long time and she came to meet me yesterday. She was having a peek at my whole room and was questioning a lot. A lot that you can never imagine! One of her questions got me into deep thinking. She asked me, "What are you going to become when you're grown up?"

"Hey, kiddo! I'm a grown-up. I lost those privileges way earlier than you think. I have no choice left", was my immediate answer. But do you know what? As an obese person, I've always left people in awe because people, almost everybody, will never agree with my age. They always claim that I look older than my actual age. But this kid who just asked me this question made me think, am I really matured, or do I just look mature? By the way, she's just a kid, right? She might have thought I was just a few ages older than her... Or, maybe I'm really a kid who's trapped in this overly mature looking adult body. Whatever!

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